Together for our town

Dear friends and donors,

We have no words to describe our gratitude to all of you who support us in our initiatives! Together we are building a more favorable environment for all of us and this is already visible, which makes us very happy!

The main goal in our campaigns has always been and will be the prosperity and well-being of the PEOPLE in Veliko Tarnovo, sitizens of the town and in the whole municipality. So it is with this campaign to. We will put our efforts where it all begins.

In the maternity ward of our city, many of us have received our first breath. Many of our mothers, sisters and loved ones have shed tears of pain and happiness there. Our children and grandchildren are born there.

The maternity ward needs 2 perfusors, 1 fetal monitor and 1 operating lamp. The total amount for these devices is nearly BGN 5,000. We have an offer from an official supplier of medical equipment, we have also collected part of the amount. For the rest of the amount we have organized a campaign to collect plastic caps, which we will hand over and buy the appliances. The places where you can hand over the collected caps are the ones for now:

- 2 Nis Street - Powwow club

- 24-hour shop "Nadin" on the boulevard "Bulgaria" 72

- and on the spot in the maternity ward

Of course, we also collect monetary donations with which we can fulfill the goal faster. Anyone can donate via the "DONATE" button, which you see in red here.


"Tomorrow starts today"


Update, 26.05.2020

Today our campaign was awarded by success! Once again we are convinced that when we work hard and the work is good for everyone, then success is only a matter of time! Today we donated two perfusors and a fetal monitor to the maternity ward. The devices will help to monitor the health and condition of the fetus during pregnancy, as well as to support mothers during childbirth.

