Terms and conditions


I. Ownership

This website is owned by the General Protogerov Foundation. The content and technologies used in it are protected by the Copyright Act and its related rights. All types of text, graphics, photos and videos posted on the site are the property of Gen. Protogerov Foundation, unless otherwise stated.

II. General information

In his capacity as Administrator of Personal Data for the Provision of Internet Donation Services, the Gen. Protogerov Foundation complies with all the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), collecting only the data of individuals to the extent necessary for the provision of the service, and preserving them responsibly and legally.

III. Information about the Data Controller

Name: Gen. Protogerov Foundation
Registered office: 9B Dimitar Buynosov Str., Veliko Tarnovo, ap.29
Activity address: Veliko Tarnovo, 9B Dimitar Buynosov Str., Ap.29
Correspondence data: 9B Dimitar Buynosov St., Veliko Tarnovo, ap.29
Email: office@protogerov-foundation.org
Phone: +359 (0) 895 83 99 99

IV. Information concerning the competent supervisory authority

Name: Personal Data Protection Commission
Registered office and registered office: 1592 Sofia, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov ”№ 2
Correspondence data: 1592 Sofia, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov ”№ 2
Phone: 02/915 3 518
Email: kzld@government.bg, kzld@cpdp.bg
Website: www.cpdp.bg

The General Protogerov Foundation operates in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

V. Subject matter and general provisions

1. These General Terms and Conditions define the relationships of the Gen. Protogerov Foundation, hereinafter referred to as the Foundation, with its donors, individuals and legal entities.

2. "Donor" within the meaning of these General Terms is any natural or legal person who has concluded a donation contract with the Foundation - once or on a regular basis.

3. "Beneficiary" within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions is a natural or legal person in favor of whom the Foundation allocates a certain amount in fulfillment of the will of the donor specified in his individual contract with the Foundation.

4. These General Terms and Conditions shall be binding on the Foundation and on the donors, who certify this by the act of donation itself or by signing it in the donation contract when it is concluded in writing. Donors shall be deemed to have been notified of them as of the date of their publication in accordance with Section …… below.

VI. Individual donation contract

5. The Foundation shall conclude a contract with the persons wishing to make a donation.

5.1. Grounds for collecting, processing and storing your personal data and the cases when a donation contract has been concluded in the campaigns conducted;

6. In the contract, donors shall provide in writing the following information about themselves:

6.1. For individuals - Personal, patronymic and surname and bank account number;

6.2. For legal entities and sole proprietors - Name of legal entity, the three names of the official authorized to conclude the contract and bank account number;

6.3. For donations of more than BGN 30,000, the requirements of the Law on Measures against Money Laundering apply;

7. The donor chooses and indicates which campaign to support.

7.1. Online donations to all campaigns are credited to the Foundation's bank account, namely:

Gen. Protogerov Foundation
Central Cooperative Bank
IBAN: BG44 CECB 9790 1012 0497 00

VII. Reporting

8. Accountability is a core value in the work of Gen. Protogerov Foundation. In achieving the financial objective, the Foundation gives public accountability for the spending of the funds and the realization of the cause for which they have been raised.

9. In case of lack of funds, including other donations, the Foundation shall continue to raise funds until the financial objective of the campaign is achieved or redirect the funds received to another organized campaign / cause.

10. The Foundation spends the funds for the respective causes.

VIII. Rights of the donor

11. To use the services of the Foundation in accordance with the requirements of these General Terms and Conditions and the donation contract.

12. To receive upon request (outside the order of item 21 of these General Terms and Conditions) information from the Foundation for the charitable activity carried out with its donations, as well as information about the overall activity of the Foundation.

13. To request that his name not be made public. Anonymity cannot be applied to the Gen. Protogerov Foundation itself, which always needs to know the origin of the donations. The Foundation may also grant access to the property of auditors and government institutions that have the right under a contract or law. In all other cases, the name and other personal information of the donors who chose anonymity are not public.

IX. Obligations of the donor

14. Comply with the provisions of these rules and the donation contract.

X. Rights of the Foundation

16. To make changes in the technology or structure of different donation services and to extend the scope of services provided to donors.

17. To make public the names of his donors and campaigns, except in the cases under item 13 of these Rules.

XI. Obligations of the Foundation

18. To provide quality management and organizational service of the various donation services in accordance with these rules and the individual donation contract.

19. To distribute correctly the received donations in favor of the final beneficiaries, respecting the expressed will of the donors.

20. Annually announce, through the mass media, the total value of the charitable work carried out during the year with their donations and regularly publish information on the funds distributed.

21. To ensure the anonymity of donors in accordance with item 17 of these Rules.

22. The Foundation shall not be liable to its donors if, after directing targeted donations to a selected final beneficiary, the same manifests misconduct or misuses them. In such cases, the Foundation is obliged to remedy as soon as possible any problems encountered in the implementation of the donor's will by communicating openly and actively with the donors.

XII. Termination of the donation contract

23. Contracts for regular donations may be terminated unilaterally by the donor with one week's written notice to the Foundation.

XIII. More information

Users are entitled to use the services on the https: //www.protogerov-foundation.org site solely for personal / non-commercial purposes, unless explicitly agreed otherwise with the Gen. Protogerov Foundation.
The use of parts of text, photos and videos from this site is allowed provided the source is specified - for print media, radio stations and televisions, and a link to https: //www.protogerov-foundation.org- for websites is added .
The reproduction of entire materials and the use of photographs and video material from the site https://www.protogerov-foundation.org is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the Gen. Protogerov ", whether the source is specified or a link is attached to it.
Any such action will be prosecuted by the Gen. Protogerov Foundation in court with all the categoricality and rigor of the law.
Removal of trademark or other marks, whether or not their bearer is the Gen. Protogerov Foundation, or a third party, is only possible with the express prior consent of the owner.
Linking to material in https: //www.protogerov-foundation.org is free.
The Gen. Protogerov Foundation has the right to remove from its page, including the forums under the materials, posts containing:

• Obscene words or expressions, as well as any form of insult that is contrary to good tone;

• national, political, ethnic, religious, racial, gender or other discrimination or incitement to racist acts and / or offenses against minorities;

• Incitement to violence, violence or incitement of intolerance among citizens;

• All forms of insult against https://www.protogerov-foundation.org, journalists, authors and media owners;

The Gen. Protogerov ”has the right to change the design, content and conditions of use without prior notice.

XIV Responsibility

The Gen. Protogerov Foundation does its best to maintain accurate, accurate and up-to-date information on its site without excluding the possibility of incidental inconsistencies or omissions. All information on the site is provided in accordance with the current Bulgarian legislation, without a guarantee from the Gen. Protogerov ”for her inviolability and safety from malicious third party attacks.

The Gen. Protogerov Foundation is not responsible for:

• Possible damages, real or imagined, occurred, or related to the access (or lack of access) to the site and the use of its content;

• The information included on the sites to which https: //www.protogerov-foundation.org posted links, as well as the consequences of their visit;

• The views expressed in the forums / comments below the material;

• The content of the ads posted on the site.

XV. Confidentiality

The Gen. Protogerov Foundation is a personal data administrator registered under the Personal Data Protection Act. The Gen. Protogerov Foundation undertakes to take all possible measures to guarantee the privacy of personal data provided by users of the site, and not to disclose them, except when required by public authorities or officials authorized by law to request and collect information containing personal data and in compliance with the statutory order.

Due to the nature of the Internet as a global network, information sharing may not always be fully secure and guarantees cannot be given that any part of the information will not fall into unauthorized persons. Also, no system is absolutely secure and protected from hacking or data manipulation.

The Gen. Protogerov Foundation may provide aggregated statistics on traffic to the site of advertisers / advertising agencies, which maintain statistics on the number of entries and more. consumer actions on their advertising banners and links, as well as produce internal statistics for direct marketing purposes (theirs and that of their partners).

By accepting these Terms of Use, users agree to the processing of their personal data. Consumers have the right to object to the processing of their personal data by sending a written notice to the Gen. Protogerov Foundation at the following address: 9B Dimitar Buynosov St., Veliko Tarnovo, ap.29

XVI. Benefits

The Gen. Protogerov Foundation reserves the right to seek compensation for possible damages and claims of third parties as a result of breach of these Terms of Use and / or unauthorized use of the Services on the site https://www.protogerov-foundation.org

Opening pages and / or following links on the site constitutes a declaration by the user that he / she is aware, accepts and undertakes to comply with these rules.

XVII. Entry 

These Terms and Conditions were updated on 01/10/2019.


Bulgarian law shall apply to the application and interpretation of these Rules.